
Seeking to keep our ears tuned to hear God's voice during this current season of disruption and difficulty, participants commit to the following rhythms, accompanied by guided orientation and direction:


  • Sunday Group Session (Recorded*, ~ 1.25 hr).

We recommend carving out the time to engage with this theological orientation on the Sunday evening prior to the start of the weekday Trellis rhythms Monday morning.


  • Individual Scripture Meditation (on own in Listening Book, 10-15")
  • Individual Exercise Pages (on own in Listening Book, 10-15")

We recommend scheduling the time for these daily rhythms at the start of each day.


  • Guided Listening Times (Recorded*, 3x/wk, 25" each).

We recommend scheduling these times of stillness into your week prior to beginning the Trellis rhythms. Choose a consistent time that will serve as a regular pause in your work-week, eg. Mon, Wed, and Fri, at lunch hour.

*Group Session and Guided Listening Time recordings are from a live Trellis session held Jan 2021.

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