Theme Introduction


Jewish theologian Abraham Heschel wrote, “The [Old Testament] prophet is a man who feels fiercely. God has thrust a burden upon his soul....” These prophets had a peculiar calling to Israel–to speak of a reality that God communicated into their souls. The prophet’s ability to speak poignantly arises from a heightened sensitivity to perceive unseen realities, ranging from the overlooked evil in the hearts of people to visions of the dawning of a new world. This unique vision was obscured to a people who did not seek God, requiring the intervention of the prophet. For in seeking God, we find our imaginations renewed, now seeing by faith the ever-pre- sent connection between the invisible reality of God’s Kingdom and the visible of our created world. This restored sight precipitates a growing awareness of God’s judgment and glory.

We are called to be prophets–people who have developed an increasing sensitivity towards God and the message of the gospel–to a world that often refuses to accept it. This prophetic likeness is not one that develops without intention, so for the next four weeks we will seek God and His Word for the following goals: 

Week 1: Nurturing a greater sensitivity towards God 

Week 2: Nurturing a greater sensitivity towards evil 

Week 3: Nurturing a greater sensitivity towards injustice 

Week 4: Nurturing a greater sensitivity towards hope 

As we embrace this prophetic calling, we find ourselves becoming more human and yet often feeling more like a stranger in this world. We will recognize how numb we have become to our own senses, and find our atrophied imaginations provoked to life. Because of the gospel of Christ, the Spirit is powerfully at work to awaken in us a whole-hearted love, a just mercy, and an energizing freedom. Through these weeks, we will focus on the OT prophets and in particular the book of Joel. Accompanied by these ancient voices, we will allow God’s Spirit to help us remember the past as we endeavor to be more sensitized in the present because of a revived hope for the future. We are excited to take this journey prayerfully with you all! 

For those who like to know such things, this theme has been inspired and informed particularly by the following books, all of which I would recommend:

  • Abraham Heschel, The Prophet
  • Walter Brueggemann, The Prophetic Imagination
  • Gene Veith and Matthew Ristuccia, imagination redeemed
  • David Allan Hubbard, Joel and Amos
  • C. S. Lewis, The Great Divorce

A key framework for this journey is Hearing-Believing-Responding. Simply put, what we hear shapes what we believe which in turn affects our responses to life situations. The most important voice in our lives is God’s and each week is about learning to discern His voice above all the others that are constantly filling our ears.

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