Introduction + Week 1 Theme


The theology and concepts beautifully presented in Makoto Fujimura’s latest book resonate deeply with Goldenwood’s vision to revive work with love, so we are excited to present this Listening Book which is ideally meant to be read in tandem with Fujimura’s book. The title, Art + Faith, might lead some to believe that this book is written primarily for the artist or art enthusiast. To make this conclusion, however, would keep many from reading what is one of the most important faith and work books written to date. Fujimura addresses a critically under-represented perspective and ethos of the faith and work movement through his interjection of a “theology of making”. Drawing from rich biblical and theological streams, Fujimura helps us see a distinctive alternative that challenges the pragmatism that overwhelmingly characterizes our approach to work today. In this new paradigm of “slow work”, the brokenness we experience becomes the unexpected starting place for the “New Newness” to break into our world.

These next four weeks will provide the opportunity to slowly consider how the gospel profoundly changes the way we approach our work by highlighting a theology of making. We highly recommend that you read Art + Faith alongside of this listening journey so that you understand the larger context of the key excerpts we’ve highlighted each weekday (week 1: chapters 1-2; week 2: chapters 3-4; week 3: chapters 5-7; week 4: chapter 8-10). These excerpts, along with the prayers, Scriptures, and questions, are designed to help us reflectively consider how the Spirit is at work to transform the deepest parts of who we are. The gospel radically transforms our response to pain and difficulty, so that we become increasingly aware of the New that is ever-present before us. This renewal demands the grace of faith that we might learn to see what is unseen and respond with the love which we ourselves have abundantly received.

It is our hope that through these next four weeks, you will:

  1. create intentional intrusions each day that open up time for you to listen to the most important voice in your life;
  2. become more aware of how a theology of making transforms the way you approach your work and the difficulties you encounter;
  3. imagine the New work that God is doing in, through, and around you to the praise and glory of God.


This week, we begin with what it means to make in the darkness. While darkness can evoke latent or persistent fears, it is also the place where God’s life giving activity is very present. In darkness, we learn how to be led by the One who not only created us but knows us intimately. He is the wise God of abundance and vitality, who creates not merely out of pragmatic usefulness, but out of the overflow of His love. We have the astonishing privilege of being able to hear His voice guiding us to create with Him as His Spirit leads us, through visions and inner promptings consistent with His nature. What might it look like if you began to respond to the darkness in your life with this kind of hope?

We'll explore the following in the coming days: 

  • Monday: Making in Darkness
  • Tuesday: Created to be Creative
  • Wednesday: Making from Spirit-infused Intuition
  • Thursday: The Dangers of Usefulness
  • Friday: God Creates out of Love

A key framework for this journey is Hearing-Believing-Responding. Simply put, what we hear shapes what we believe which in turn affects our responses to life situations. The most important voice in our lives is God’s and each week is about learning to discern His voice above all the others that are constantly filling our ears.

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